Update | 1.21.1 to 1.21.4
This guide will explain how to update all of our setups from 1.21.1 to 1.21.4. If your setup is running on 1.21.1, this is the guide to follow.
Update released: 16th February 2025
Start by downloading the latest version of the setup you are using on BuiltByBit.
Before completing all the step below, please STOP your server to avoid any file corruption!
1. Updating the JAR
First step is to update the server JAR you are using. We recommend to use Paper or Purpur. So update to the latest version of Paper or Purpur 1.21.4.
2. Updating the plugins
Next step is to update all of the plugins in the setup. The easiest way to do this is to download the latest version of our setup and addons. Then go through all the plugins on your server 1 by 1 in alphabetical order. Delete the plugin on your server and replace them with the same plugin from the latest version of the setup. Below you can see a list of the plugins which requires updating:
3. Updating the Resourcepack
In 1.21.4, Minecraft has completely changed how CustomModelData works. CustomModelData is the system which allows us to add custom item textures. This means that we have had to completely recode this part of the resourcepack.
By default, our setups use the ForcePack plugin to handle the resourcepack. In this case, you just have to update the ForcePack config.yml to update the resourcepack. To update the ForcePack config, replace the file at this filepath on your server with the one at the same filepath from the latest version of the setup: plugins > ForcePack > config.yml
If you are using ItemsAdder, Oraxen or Nexo, you just have to grab the updated resourcepack included with the setup download. And import it to the plugin you are using like you've done previously.
NOTE: This new resourcepack will only support 1.21.4. This means that it will no longer be possible to use ViaBackwards or ViaRewind. (Might be possible by switching it ItemsAdder, Oraxen or Nexo).
4. Updating crate files
To support the new texturepack, the crate files has all been updated. Due to the way the ExcellentCrates plugin is made you will have to use our new crate files. Then you can reapply the changes you have made to the cratesafterwards. To do this, replace the files at this filepath on your server with the ones at the same filepath from the latest version of the setup: plugins > ExcellentCrates > crates
5. Updating skripts
We have changed a lot of the Skripts in our setups to support the latest version of the Skript plugin. Firstly you should remove all of these plugins from your setup:
skUtilities skRayFall PermSk MorkatzSk
These are addons for the Skript plugin, and we wont be using them anymore as the features they contributed are now possible to implement within the Skript plugin.
Secondly, the skripts that has been changed are listed below. You should update all of these skripts by replacing the skripts at this filepath on your server with the same ones from the latest version of the setup: plugins > Skript > scripts
customfishing.sk referral.sk shopcommand.sk titles.sk toolskins.sk rpggtclasses.sk (From the RPG Addon) rpggtweaponsmith.sk (From the RPG Addon) dungeons... (All skripts from the Dungeons Addon)
6. Updating CrazyEnvoy locations
Due to a change in the CrazyEnvoy plugin, you have to update the locations of the supply crates. To do this, replace the file at this filepath on your server with the one at the same filepath from the latest version of the setup: plugins > CrazyEnvoys > users.yml
7. Updating Codex
This is the most extensive change required. The Codex plugin has been completely recoded recently. Which means that the whole plugin's folder has to be replaced. To do this, delete the Codex plugins folder on your server and upload the one from the latest version of the setup you are using.
After you have done this, all of the instances which triggers Codex unlocks has to be changed aswell. The easiest way to do this is to do the following:
First, replace the file at this filepath on your server with the one at the same filepath from the latest version of the setup: plugins > Citizens > saves.yml
Then do the same for all of these files:
plugins > DeluxeMenus > gui_menus > levels > levels_1 plugins > DeluxeMenus > gui_menus > kits > kits_starter plugins > DeluxeMenus > gui_menus > rtp > rtp_allworlds plugins > DeluxeMenus > gui_menus > coinshop > coinshop_keys plugins > DeluxeMenus > gui_menus > rewards > rewards_menu plugins > DeluxeMenus > gui_menus > shop > shop_minerals1 plugins > DeluxeMenus > gui_menus > factories > factories_wood plugins > Skript > scripts > afk.sk plugins > ODailyQuests > quests > globalQuests.yml
Update Completed
If you have followed all of these steps, the update would be complete. If you have any issues with the setup after updating, please contact us on discord.
Last updated
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