Update | Season 2 to Season 3
This guide will explain how to update all of our setups from Season 2 to Season 3. If you downloaded the setup after Season 3 released, you can just ignore this guide.
Update released: 17th May 2024
Download the latest version of the setup you are using on BuiltByBit. All of our setups has been updated Season 3 now.
NOTE: Which steps you need to go through depends on which of our setups you are using. If the latest version of your setup doesnt include the files mentioned in one of the steps below, then just ignore the step in general. (The first 3 steps apply to all our setups)
1. Updating the resourcepack
Start by updating the resourcepack on your server to the latest version of the Premium Setup resourcepack. To do this, replace the file at this filepath on your server with the one at the same filepath from the latest version of the setup: plugins > ForcePack > config.yml
2. Updating DeluxeMenus config
Now you should update the DeluxeMenus config. This is an important step for many of the setups below. To do this, replace the file at this filepath on your server with the one at the same filepath from the latest version of the setup: plugins > DeluxeMenus > config.yml
3. Updating EasyCommandBlocker config
To do this, replace the file at this filepath on your server with the one at the same filepath from the latest version of the setup: plugins > EasyCommandBlocker > config.yml
4. Updating toolskins
To update toolskins with the new toolskins categories, first delete all 4 files at this filepath on your server and replace them with the 8 new files at the same filepath from the latest version of the setup: plugins > DeluxeMenus > gui_menus > toolskins
Then replace the file at this filepath on your server with the one at the same filepath from the latest version of the setup: plugins > Skript > scripts > toolskins.sk
Then replace the file at this filepath on your server with the one at the same filepath from the latest version of the setup: plugins > CrazyVouchers > vouchers > Random_Toolskin.yml
5. Updating cosmetics
To update cosmetics with the new cosmetics categories, first delete the 2 files at this filepath on your server and replace them with the 5 new files at the same filepath from the latest version of the setup: plugins > DeluxeMenus > gui_menus > cosmetics
You should also update the UltraCosmetics plugin to the latest version on spigot: Link
6. Adding /sellall and /sellhand commands
To add the /sellall and /sellhand commands from the latest version of our setups, start by uploading the file at this filepath from the latest version of the setup to your server: plugins > Essentials > worth.yml
Then replace the file at this filepath on your server with the one at the same filepath from the latest version of the setup: plugins > Essentials > messages > messages_en.properties
Then set this option to true in the Essentials config: "allow-selling-named-items: true"
Then upload the file at this filepath from the latest version of the setup to your server: plugins > Skript > scripts > sellall.sk
Then enter these 3 commands as OP on your server to add permissions for the /sellall commands:
7. Changing to buyable shop (OPTIONAL)
In the latest versions of all our setups, we have changed to making the shop buyable and removing Deliveries from our setups. It isnt possible to both have a buyable shop and the Deliveries feature on 1 server, and players can buy items from the shop to use for Deliveries. If you want to keep deliveries, ignore this step. If your setup already has a buyable shop and no Deliveries feature, ignore this step.
To complete this step, first delete all files at this filepath on your server and replace them with the new files at the same filepath from the latest version of the setup: plugins > DeluxeMenus > gui_menus > shop
Then it is time to remove Deliveries. You should remove the Deliveries NPC and Hologram. The NPC can be removed by doing /npc select while standing at this NPC, and then do /npc remove. The Hologram can be removed by removing the file at this filepath: plugins > DecentHolograms > holograms > NPCDeliveries
Then you should remove this folder: plugins > DeluxeMenus > gui_menus > deliveries
Then you should remove the /deliveries aliases from this file: plugins > Skript > scripts > aliases.sk
8. Dungeons Addon (OPTIONAL)
This step needs to be completed if you are planning on purchasing our Dungeons Addon. If you arent, you can just ignore this step.
Replace the file at this filepath on your server with the one at the same filepath from the latest version of the setup: plugins > Citizens > saves.yml
Then upload the folder at this filepath from the latest version of the setup to your server: plugins > DeluxeMenus > gui_menus > dungeons
Last updated
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