Update | 1.20.2 to 1.20.4
This guide will explain how to update all of our setups from 1.20.2 to 1.20.4. If you are already running your setup on 1.20.4, this guide wont be for you.
Update released: 6th April 2024
Download the latest version of the setup you are using on BuiltByBit. All of our setups has been updated to 1.20.4 now.
1. Updating the plugins
First thing to do is to update all of the plugins in the setup. This can simply be done by replacing the plugins on your server with the plugins from the latest version of the setup. So delete all the plugins on your server except the ones you have uploaded yourself, and upload all of the plugins from the latest version of the setup.
2. Deleting plugins
Some plugins have been permantly removed from our setups. Delete these plugins from your server and also delete the plugin folders: (Some setups don't have all of these plugins)
ViaVersion (Not necessary when using the latest version 1.20.4)
3. ForcePack
You should also replace the texturepack with the latest version of the texturepack. Ignore this step if you are using ItemsAdder or Oraxen. If you haven't actively installed ItemsAdder or Oraxen yourself, please complete this step:
Replace the file at this filepath on your server with the one at the same filepath from the latest version of the setup: plugins > ForcePack > config.yml
4. AuraSkills
Ignore this step if your server doesn't already have the AureliumSkills plugin. The AureliumSkills plugin has migrated from AureliumSkills to AuraSkills. To apply this change to your server, replace the folder at this filepath on your server with the one at the same filepath from the latest version of the setup: plugins > AuraSkills
Also make sure you have the AuraSkills plugin installed, which is should already be if you have followed this 1.
5. CoinsEngine
Ignore this step if your server doesn't already have the CoinsEngine plugin. The CoinsEngine plugin has been recoded for 1.20.4, so the CoinsEngine config has to be changed on your server. To do this, take a backup of the CoinsEngine folder on your server. Then delete the CoinsEngine folder on your server, and replace the folder at this filepath on your server with the one at the same filepath from the latest version of the setup: plugins > CoinsEngine
Now, to reuse the CoinsEngine data on your server, replace the data file in the CoinsEngine folder with the one from the backup you just took.
6. Skript
Ignore this step if your server doesn't already have the Skript plugin or have any of the Skript mentioned in this step. Some of the Skripts in the setup has been edited to work for 1.20.4. You can find the Skripts at this filepath: plugins > Skript > scripts These are the Skript which has been edited: (You might not have these on your server, and if not, just ignore this step)
Replace the Skripts at this filepath with these Skripts from the latest version of the setup: plugins > Skript > scripts
7. Cosmetics (DeluxeMenus)
Ignore this step if your server doesn't already have the /cosmetics feature. The EGlow plugin has been removed from the setup, so you should remove it from the DeluxeMenus cosmetics menu. This can be done by replacing the folder at this filepath on your server with the one at the same filepath from the latest version of the setup: plugins > DeluxeMenus > gui_menus > cosmetics
Update Completed
If you have followed all of these steps, the update would be complete. You can now use the setup with either Paper or Purpur 1.20.4.
Last updated
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